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Broken Pieces is a darker sounding band which combines influences from Jimmy Eat World, Taking Back Sunday, Nothing to lose, and Finch and blends them to make a different type of sound.

The band includes lead guitarist and vocals(Jeremy) and bassist and vocals(Clay). For a demo that is in the works Clay who also is a Drummer will play drums. Currently, drummers are being looked for and plan to be found soon. Shows and a demo are being worked on so check back for updates.
Listing Site Updates
02-23-03- Site just finished.
03-17-03- We have 3 songs and plan on making a demo in the next month or two. We also planning on being on a compilation in the next month with our song "Turned to see the world".
The Band
Promo pic. of the band.

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Logo Pic.
This is the current logo for the band.
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